
Workshop on Tourism monitoring in Antarctica


Time Session
8.00-9.00 Welcome of Participants 
Welcome Coffee and networking
9.00-9.05 Opening of the workshop and introduction 
Brief motivation and objectives for the workshop 
Dr Heike Herata, German Environment Agency (UBA)
9.05-9.20 An overview of Antarctic tourism by IAATO
Amanda Lynnes, IAATO
9.20-9.35 Tourism management in the context of multiple stressors in Antarctica
Dr Tom Hart, Department of Zoology - University of Oxford
9.35-10.00 Presentation of the findings from the literature review (incl. gaps)  
Thomas Dworak, Fresh Thoughts Consulting
Question and answers session
10.00-11.30 Split into 2-3 working groups to discuss the results from the literature review (incl. gaps)
in parallel along with key questions set out in the discussion paper, incl. coffee break
11.30-12.00 Report back and question and answers
General discussion of reported issues
12.00-13.30 Networking lunch break
13.30-13.45 Presentation of first ideas for a comprehensive monitoring concept on the environmental impacts of Antarctic tourism 
Thomas Dworak, Fresh Thoughts Consulting Question and answers session
13.45-15.45 Discussion of the concept and brainstorming in 2-3 parallel working groups
along with key questions set out in the discussion paper, incl. Coffee break
15.45-16.15 Report back and question and answers  
General discussion of reported issues
16.15-16.30 Final remarks, incl.
Request for support for the work ahead
Next steps
Dr Heike Herata, German Environment Agency (UBA)

Sat, 28 May 2022
9:00-16:30 CEST

Estrel Berlin
Sonnenallee 225

Michaela Matauschek